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Chinese Medicine Diagnostic Methods |
Taking A History Additional Medical Information Previous diseases Childhood diseases Strep Chicken Pocks Mumps, etc. Polio Asthma TB Neumonia Bronchitis Diabtetes Hypertension Gall Bladder, Kidney diseases Epilepsy STD Cancer Stroke Ulcers Chronic fatigue Other Allergies and Their Reactions Food Chemical Environment e.g. pollen, dust, grass, smoke, pets, mold Medications Current drugs and medications Current herbs and vitamins Other alternative "medications" Nutritional supllements Over the counter drugs and products Surgical history removal of organs corrective surgeries injury related Obstetric history pregnancies births Accidents What When Social Information Travel Frequency local and remote diseases parasites Environment hazard exposure home, school, Job, etc. mold exposure Ocupation Exercise Diet Substance use Coffee Tobaco Drugs Alcohol Home life and family Hobbies and other activities Daily routine Chief Complaint How the patient describes their problems History of complaint When it started / how long present Location of pain Severity of pain Frequency of pain constant or intermitent What makes pain better or worse Interventions to date and results Doctor visits Medicines Herbs Other acupuncturists Personal Information Name Age Sex Address, Phone, Email, etc. Emergency Information Family Medical History Parents Grandparents Children Siblings If dead when why | |