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Acupuncture Needling Techniques - Class 08
Detailed instructions on the use of Acupuncture needles and Moxibustion techniques
By: David Botton


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Class 8 - Cupping


Ba Guan - Cupping. Use of glass or bamboo cups to cause sedation via a vacuum


1) Release exterior wind: UB 11, UB 12, UB 13

2) Clear heat: Du 14, LI 11

3) Remove blood stagnation: bleeding + cupping

4) Neutralize toxins (even snake bites)

5) Reduce the tension of muscles: UB 57

6) To reduce allergic reactions and regulation blood: bai chang wa + Ren 8


Bamboo (herbal) cup or Glass cup

Alcohol (91%)


Cotton balls

Inform patient of possible bruises

1) Cupping in general

Place forceps with cotton in to 91% and light. Quickly place in to cup and remove. Slide cup to location

2) Moving Cupping

After placing cup slightly lift and then slide cup in 2-3 circles around du and UB meridians

3) Bleeding Cupping (see notes on bleeding)

UB 17 + UB 43 Acute Mastitis

4) Cupping with needle

Place small amount of cotton soaked in alcohol on needle, light alcohol and place cup over lit needle


Cup is left for up to 2-3 minutes longer can cause blistering

Quick cupping reduces chance of bruising and releases muscles

Too much hair prevents proper cupping

Do not cup children

Be careful with pregnant patients

(c) 2005 All Rights Reserved - David Botton